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Clint Eastwood portrays down-on-luck drug runner in The Mule

Clint Eastwood stars as Earl Stone, a down-on-his-luck horticulturist who finds a quick way to make a buck as a cocaine runner for the Mexican Cartel in The Mule.

Clint Eastwood stars as Earl Stone, a down-on-his-luck horticulturist who finds a quick way to make a buck as a cocaine runner for the Mexican Cartel in The Mule.

Originally Published: December 17, 2018 11:43 a.m.

The Mule shows us that age does not necessarily have to be a limit on one’s talent or career. Look at Clint Eastwood, who at age 88 , directed and stars in this film. The story, based on true events, is about a 90-year old WWII veteran, who has a successful business and falls on hard times...