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First-time author releases body re-patterning guide

Hayley Healey has a scheduled book signing on June 8 from 4-7 p.m. at her Re-Patterning studio located at 7000 Hwy. 179, Suite A-106, which is located in the Collective Sedona in the Village of Oak Creek.

Hayley Healey has a scheduled book signing on June 8 from 4-7 p.m. at her Re-Patterning studio located at 7000 Hwy. 179, Suite A-106, which is located in the Collective Sedona in the Village of Oak Creek.

Originally Published: June 4, 2018 8:11 a.m.

Re-Pattern: A neuromuscular re-patterning guide for healing and loving your mindful body, spirit and journey is not only about author Hayley Healey’s journey of developing a drive to help others feel better in their body, but also a very real-world approach to Re-Patterning your body with her Body Landmark Method™ to guide and neurologically Re-Pattern their body, get out of pain, and re-connect with their physical spirit.

Hayley Healey has always been driven to find ways that people could feel better in their bodies, minds and spirits...