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Sedona Film Festival presents virtual screenings of ‘The Mindfulness Movement’

From Executive Producers Deepak Chopra and Jewel, comes “The Mindfulness Movement”, a feature documentary that examines the growing number of people throughout society who believe mindfulness — a peaceful quality of attention anyone can develop by simply focusing on the present moment in a non-judgmental way — is the key to creating a healthier, happier world.

From Executive Producers Deepak Chopra and Jewel, comes “The Mindfulness Movement”, a feature documentary that examines the growing number of people throughout society who believe mindfulness — a peaceful quality of attention anyone can develop by simply focusing on the present moment in a non-judgmental way — is the key to creating a healthier, happier world.

Originally Published: July 13, 2020 12:58 p.m.

MDF@Home features several new indie films still in their theatrical release window and now available for you to stream at home from the best seat in your house

Best of all … you can watch alone or with more family members for one low ticket price. For each title, a portion of all sales will benefit the Mary D. Fisher Theatre and Sedona International Film Festival.


From Executive Producers Deepak Chopra and Jewel, comes “The Mindfulness Movement”, a feature documentary that examines the growing number of people throughout society who believe mindfulness — a peaceful quality of attention anyone can develop by simply focusing on the present moment in a non-judgmental way — is the key to creating a healthier, happier world. For them, mindfulness is the way for anyone to make more moments matter in their lives.

Featuring Deepak Chopra, Jewel, Dan Harris, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Daniel Goleman, Sharon Salzberg, George Mumford, Tim Ryan, Bill George, Diana Winston, Richard Davidson and more!

The film follows the emotionally compelling stories of four main characters who reveal their personal hardships and explain how mindfulness transformed their lives. Woven between these journeys are profiles of the leaders, history and science behind the movement, as well as looks at many places where mindfulness is already helping to improve society, including schools (from Inner City to Ivy League), Fortune 500 companies, police forces, prisons, network newsrooms, neuroscience laboratories, therapist offices, sports teams, military veterans groups and the health care industry.

This documentary is even an interactive experience since viewers will have two chances to close their eyes and practice during brief guided meditations led by well-known mindfulness teachers.

Whether someone is just discovering mindfulness or has been practicing for years, they’re sure to learn something new and be inspired to share the benefits of mindfulness with others as “The Mindfulness Movement” continues to grow.

To view this film and other titles:

Log on to www.SedonaFilmFestival.org and click on the MDF@Home link under the Events tab on the home page (or directly visit SedonaFilmFestival.com/mdfhome/) for links to order virtual screenings of any of the available films. For each title, a portion of all sales will benefit the Mary D. Fisher Theatre and Sedona International Film Festival.