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Red Earth brings live theater to Tlaquepaque with Days Of September

John Soderberg

John Soderberg

Originally Published: September 15, 2020 10:21 a.m.

Red Earth Theatre will offer live performance with social distancing and safe practices this month following last month’s ‘Days of August’, with ‘Days Of September’ at Tlaquepaque Thursday, Sept. 17, 6 pm.

Enjoy a collage of stories, poetry and music outdoors in the Patio de las Campanas. There is limited seating (20) for a live audience Bring your own chairs, wear your masks and practice social distancing.

Ticket prices at the ‘door’ are $10. This show will also be live streamed, recorded and edited for the You Tube Channel.

Performers include Jill Trenholm, Michael Gallagher, Cathy Ransom, Terra Shelman, Candace Gallagher, John Soderberg, Ashlee Threlkeld and Kate Hawkes with musings on World Rivers Day, Constitution Day, Talk Like A Pirate Day, National Pepperoni Pizza Day, International Peace Day, World Gratitude Day and Native American Day and others.

After canceling two scheduled productions for March and May, the very active, creative group quickly moved to produce 11 performances by Zoom. Of these, one was live streamed from Sedona Arts Center and two from Tlaquepaque without a live audience.  

Post live streaming to Facebook, all 11 shows were edited and are available on the Red Earth Theatre You Tube Channel. Visit to see what Red Earth has been up to during this last 4 months  as they continued to work with more than 30 performers, produce new work and support the community.

Red Earth brings live performance to Tlaquepaque on the third Thursday of each month with limited seating for live audience. Stay in touch with them via newsletter and at the website www.redearththeatr.org.